What this site is about

Don't burn THE world, burn your own.

The way I believe the world can be seen is mostly in 3 ways:

- How the world is
- How the world should be
- How you would like the world to be

A lot of people are destroying themselves and getting angry on the world. I realized, that the reason why I got angry at the world, was mostly because it wasn't like I thought it should be like. Of course I don't want to tell you, how you should live your life. You will have the best solutions, like everyone. The only thing I can do is mainly to explain, why I'm doing it and explain what an impact it had on me. I can try to encourage you to try it out, but you certainly don't have to. Even if you dislike, nearly all of what you are reading here, if it only helps you rethinking and maybe improving your life on any way, then it was already a step forward.

So what I'm talking about, when I say: "burn your world".
Shortly: Forget the idea of "should".
Most things are easier to understand if you use an example, so let's try it: I guess you heard this phrase quite often: "People should be nice to each other." And I'm quite sure, that you met people, who were certainly not nice and you thought to yourself, what an asshole. And if your friends or own children weren't nice to you, you were dissapointed, shouted on them or just got angry.
So let's break this example down:

1. Some people are nice to you, some are not. This is the world how it is.
2. People should be nice to you. This is the world how it should be
3. You would like that the people are nice to you. This is the world how you would like it to be.

With books and thinking I'm trying to burn the idea, how the world should be.
Why I'm doing it: Well this is a really difficult question. Why should you do anything? The biggest reason for me is: Because I believe, that my idea how the world should have been, made me angry and pushed people away from me. And I wanted to stop that.
How I'm doing it: I'm mostly concentrating on the other 2 worlds. The world how it is and the world I would like to have. This didn't happen over night, I read a lot of different books and thought a lot of time and I'm still working on it.
This site helps me to write it down and maybe help others.